Dövlət Vergi Xidməti
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Statute of a Limited Liability Company (if the "sole executive body" is selected within registration and the "supervisory board" is not selected)

Statute of a Limited Liability Company (if the "collegial executive body" is selected within registration and the "supervisory board" is not selected)

Statute of a Limited Liability Company (if "sole executive body" and "supervisory board" are selected within registration)

Statute of a Limited Liability Company (if "collegial executive body" and "supervisory board" are selected within registration

Sample of a limited partnership statute

Sample of a cooperative statute

Sample of a Joint Stock Company statute

Sample of a general partnership statute

Model regulations of a non-resident legal entity branch

Model regulations of a legal entity branch (by making appropriate changes pursuant to the legislation these regulations should be also used for tax registration of other divisions (representative offices, departments, etc.) of a legal entity

Resolution on establishment of a legal entity branch

Resolution on establishment of a Limited Liability Company (if the "sole executive body" is selected within registration and the "supervisory board" is not selected)

Resolution on establishment of a Limited Liability Company (if the "collegial executive body" is selected within registration and the "supervisory board" is not selected)

Resolution on establishment of a Limited Liability Company (when "sole executive body" and "supervisory board" are selected within registration)

Resolution on establishment of a Limited Liability Company (when "collegial executive body" and "supervisory board" are selected within registration)