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In accordance with Article 15.9 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Registration and State Registry of Legal Entities", information on the founders (participants) of commercial legal entities and their shares in the authorized capital is available to the financial monitoring body upon request in the cases and order provided in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the prevention of the legalization of criminally obtained funds or other property and the financing of terrorism”, as well as to obligees in the order determined by the relevant executive authority.

Towards implementing the requirements of the "Rule on providing monitoring participants and other persons participating in the monitoring with information on the founders (participants) of commercial legal entities, shares in the authorized capital and owners of securities" approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 433 dated October 10, 2018, the State Tax Service and Financial Monitoring Service under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan have created access to relevant information in the E-portal system.

By entering your user page in the E-Portal system, you can send a request to obtain information on the founders (participants) of commercial legal entities, shares in the charter capital, as well as other information contained in the state register of commercial legal entities. 

INSTRUCTION on providing monitoring participants and other persons participating in monitoring with certain information of legal entities

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